Business nowadays is carried out on a large scale through online medium. This is why your website needs to be very alluring to the viewers and it should be user-friendly too. Only then will the readers would find it easy and useful to approach your website.
This is where the role of the WordPress for business developing comes in. WordPress sites have really gained a lot of popularity in the technical arena. With the help of highly interactive website base, it is very easy to develop your business and take it to further and higher levels.

Evolution and Usage of WordPress
WordPress has been very widely and very popularly used by all business developers since it was first introduced in the year of 2003. Ever since its inception, it has been a hot shot with the developing institutions all around the globe.
The WordPress uses a CMS platform and hence can be used for non-blogging sites as well. Using WordPress to improve your projects is a good recommendation because it comes packed with many advantages and benefits.
Web development projects are a lot easier to do once you open them in WordPress. The base of WordPress is user-friendly to even the beginners who start as developers.
Reasons to Choose WordPress
Now arises the question as to why you should use WordPress to deal with your web development projects? What is so special about WordPress over all the others that are out there?
Here are the reasons –
• The most beneficial traits of WordPress include the facts that it is super easy to work with and has a really high level of interactive characteristics.
• It is well responsive which makes debugging and correcting your mistakes very easy and takes up a little time.
• The functional quotient is increased manifold owing to the aforesaid reasons.
• It is a business website and quite a well known one at that too.
• All the above-mentioned reasons have given it the power to rise to the position of the most powerful web developer platform.
Ways to Use WordPress for the Success of Your Business
WordPress has many more advantages that make your website powerful. Switching to a WordPress platform for your organization’s website can serve in more than one way apart from just letting the business grow.
• WordPress has an easy management base. It has a browser-based working platform, and thus fact makes it more appealing to users over the globe. This is the most important fact that has been working behind WordPress to make it known to all users out there as the easiest and hassle free site that ever was there.
• This is also why it is so much easier to manage this site. It has an easy access and can be accessed from anywhere.
• Multiple plug INS and easy to use interfaces aid in the smooth functioning of this platform. The integration of WordPress is largely owed to the multifaceted interfaces that are available for the users.
• It makes it very easy for the users to create and add blogs, posts, images, contents and new pages at a little and negligible amount of hassle.
• The simplicity of the usage of WordPress is further enhanced by the fact that it is search engine friendly. This means that the presence of Meta tags, keywords and titles are in abundance and they help to direct you to the targeted specific images and posts.
• The simple and easy coding techniques ensure a specific SEO for each and every image.
• Also, no HTML editing is required here because WordPress is a self-contained platform that has 100% customizable picture designs.

With WordPress Web Development, you not only save a lot of expenses, but the businesses also benefit as it strikes a balance with inexpensive hosting.
Responsive web designing is a one stop solution for all multi-screen problems. The approach aims at making a website design which can ensure that users have a good viewing experience irrespective of the device they are using.
With a staggering growth of mobile devices and mobile data usage via websites, social media, apps and games, it has now become essential to make your business website more mobile friendly. This helps clients and prospects easily browse through your website to find the required information easily irrespective of the device they use. It is quite obvious that creating a new version of a particular site especially for every screen size and device would be a very impractical solution.
What Exactly Is Responsive Web Design?
The concept of responsive web design is based on the fact that design and development of a website should respond to a particular user’s behaviour based on platform, orientation, and screen size. This practice takes into account flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. As the user switches from their laptop to iPad the website should have the technology to automatically respond to the user’s preference.
However responsive web design is not only about automatically resizable images and adjustable screen resolution. It includes a wide array of factors in terms of design and thinking. Let us have a look at the three important components.
Media Queries
Media queries let a designer customize the presentation of the content for different media types like screen, print, TV, handheld devices etc. Based on the media type the font, style and other elements of the page can be easily customized. Media features include device height, aspect ratio, width, and colour index.
Fluid Grids
Fluid grids play a big role in helping the responsive web design framework to conform to the proportion of the screen. In a fluid grid design, everything is coded in terms of its relative proportion to the base element, which means values are specified in a given in relative size or percentage.
Modifiable Text and Photos
Viewing photos on a low-resolution tablet or small screen phone can be quite daunting if they don’t currently modify according to screen dimensions. Most modern responsive designs use the CSS max-width property to make images scale. Responsive web design allows designers the flexibility to rescale a photograph or simply hide it for small screen versions to focus more on the text.
Advantages of Responsive Web Design
According to Google, if customers have a hard time navigating through your site, chances are 61% high that they would eventually leave your site, even if they had loved the desktop version of your site. This practically means that when they leave your site, they would automatically go your competitor’s site and you shall end up losing a valuable customer. Your website is a marketing tool and you should take adequate measures to ensure that your website looks feels and works great irrespective of the platform.
Higher Rankings in Google Search
Responsive web design makes it very easy for Google to index your website so that it shows up near the top no matter which device the user is using. The benefit of responsive design is that you would only need to optimize the content for one link keeping the URL structure constant for all devices. With responsive web design, it is easy to optimize and update your content on all devices. By providing a single, dynamic version of your website, you make it easier for search engines to understand and serve your content.
Hassle-Free Maintenance
Responsive web design reduces maintenance efforts by improving efficiency. When you update your website the changes are updates across all platforms. It not only provides a better viewing experience but also helps to save money.
Boosts Sales and Conversion Rate
When you have a website which works well across all platforms and has a modern, sleek and clean look it becomes easy to keep your customers satisfied which in turn help to generate more revenue. Responsive web design provides the users with digital brand experience which in turn helps to provide them with a comfortable browsing experience.
Implementing responsive web design is much easier and time-saving rather than creating a different website for your mobile sites. If SEO is a core component of your digital marketing strategy, having a mobile–friendly website is essential to ensure success in the digital domain.