As an SEO professional it is our duty to provide what client expect from us regardless of what kind of business or operation he has. Being an SEO expert is a big responsibility as the client will completely depend on you to get their website on top through your techniques.
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For every business to start a business plan is the first thing to go ahead with. But the next question is does this plan work? The fact that marketing has shifted rather than futuristic to result driven approach, it is not acceptable to some of the traditional marketers.
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Google is making changes to Ad grants, the Adwords program which provides search engine grants to non profits up to $10,000 per month.
It has been noticed that 35000 nonprofit organizations participate in Google grants program and it has been now in talk that $2 bid cap has been wind up when the campaigns use maximize conversion bid strategy.
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Google has officially talked about what webmaster should focus on when writing the Meta descriptions after the Google has extended their search engine snippets.
In the beginning of this month, Google has confirmed that it has extended the search snippet from 160 characters to maximum of 320 characters. Although the length has been extended the fundamentals of writing a description has remain the same.

It is completely based on the search query and the content which is there on the website which decides what to show o the search snippet. This expansion does not mean that the present Meta descriptions need to be expanded. If you feel it is adequate to showcase what you want, it is perfectly fine to move ahead with that.
In short if you are satisfied with the way your Meta descriptions are shown, then there is no need to make any changes to it. If you are not, then try changing them. In either of the ways your Meta description is only going to give impact to your CTR rather than search rankings. It has already told by Google that in SEO techniques the Meta description length has been extended. But this particularly does not mean that everyone has to change the length of the Meta tag. It has to be short and precise which just give summary about the content like earlier.
Anyway this is not going to affect your website ranking but it does affect the way your website is shown on search engines and whether with the shown content your website is going to get the click or not. It is only about the CTR which is going to affect. So, according to the performance and you r analysis tries to make your Meta description longer or shorter.

This is only going to affect the way your website ranking. Since, it is not a ranking factor it does make sense to optimize your Meta description according to the need. Meta description shows the description about the page content. This makes something legitimate to show as according to the performance of website you can make your Meta longer or shorter. You can make it obvious enough when you want your user to get more information about the website, you can increase the length of the Meta.

So, the only thing which we need to keep in mind is that we adjust the description based on user’s query. So, do a site analysis in search analytics and search console what the top queries are and what’re leading to your pages. Optimize your Meta description based on those analytics and increase the traffic.
This being the first SEO starter guide in several years, it holds huge importance for the digital marketing industry. Google has announced that the old PDF format of the SEO starter guide has been retired which was published in 2008 and is now replaced with a new web based version.
The updated version has additional sections required by the search engine optimization, building mobile friendly websites and adding structured data markup. The version has now been available in 9 different languages including English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, German, Turkish and Russian.

The purpose of the guide
The guide is for those manage, owns and promote content through Google Search. If someone is an SEO expert or digital marketing freak, this guide is meant for you. For understanding the basics of the SEO, this guide is the perfect place for the one. The guide will provide the best practices which will help in attaining the best results. The guide will provide the techniques which make it easier for the search engines to crawl and index your content.
SEO is all about helping the search engines to understand the content and behave accordingly.
Getting started with the guide:-
Terms related to SEO are

- Index
- Crawl
- Crawler
- Googlebot
Are you on Google?

Make a check whether your site appears on Google or not. Use it like Site: website URL.
If the website shows up then it indexed on Google.
Help Google find your content

For making your content visible to the Google, it is important that you submit a site map. A sitemap is a file which tells Google about the new or changed pages of the website. Google can also find new pages through links from other pages as well.
Tell Google which pages shouldn’t be crawled
Best practices are
- Use robots.txt (non sensitive information)
- Noindex tag or requiring a user password to access the page ( sensitive information)
Help Google understand your content
Recommendations are
- Make sure that Googlebot can crawl JavaScript, CSS and image files by using fetch as Google tool.
- Check your Robots.txt with Google search console
Create good titles and snippets
Your title must appear in the first line of the results. The title of homepage must consist of the basic information about the website, contact details and other information required by the visitor.
Meta tags
- Description Meta tag: This will give information to the search engine what the page is all about. This is placed within the element of HTML document.

Merits of description Meta tag
This tag can be used by the search engine to deliver the best possible result to the query by the user incase the Google remains unable to find the content suitable enough to provide to the user.
Best practices
Accurately summarize the page content
Use unique description for each page
Use heading tags to emphasize important text
Heading tags would help in getting the text larger on the page than the normal text. This will give a normal hint to the visitors that the particular text is important. Usage of heading tags would help in creating a hierarchical structure for the content making it easy for the user to go through the content easily and understand it.
Best practices
Imagine you are writing an outline; make it to the point to cover the gist of the content
Use headings across the page
Use structured data markup
It is the code which is added to the site’s pages to make the content understandable to search engines.
Best practices
Check your markup using the structured data testing tool
Use data highlighter
Keep track of markup pages
Manage your results in Google search
With the use of correct structured data, search results will understand the content and make the best of it to make it available to the user.
Organize your site hierarchy

- Understand how search engines use url
- Navigation is important for search engines
- Plan navigation based on homepage
- Breadcrumbs list
- Simple navigation page for the users
Best practices
Create naturally flowing hierarchy
Use text for navigation
Create sitemap for the search engines and navigational pages for the users
Custom 404 pages
- Simple url convey content information
- URLs displayed in search results
Best practices
Use words in URL
Create simple directory structure
Provide one URL to access the page
Optimize your content
- Make your site interesting and useful
With the use of relevant and unique information make your site interesting. Try to get some compelling content which drives the user to your website.
- Know what your readers want
Best practices
Write easy to read text
Organize your topics early
Create fresh unique content
Optimize content for users and not search engines
- Use links wisely
Write good link text
Best practices
Choose descriptive text
Write concise text
Format links to make them easy to spot
Anchor text for internal linking

- Optimize the images
Use the alt attribute
Best practices
Use descriptive filenames and alt text
- Help search engine find your images
Use image sitemap to make Googlebot understand what the image is all about
- Use standard formats
Mobile friendly website
Most of the people use mobile for any query. In such a scenario your website need to perform on mobile too. This will increase your reach to the people. Make your website responsive to get more customer visibility for your website. Make it responsive for mobile phones, tablets, smart phones, multimedia phones, feature phones.

Promote your website
Your website needs promotion as without it no one even know about it.

Best practices
Know about social media sites
Reach out to those communities which are in relation to your site
Analyze your search performance and user behavior
Analyze search performance
Through Google search console tool, one can analyze the performance of the website. the tool will help you in getting your issues in front. It will help in addressing the issues and if done, can help in better performance of the website.

Analyze user behavior
Once you are done with the crawling and indexing of your site, your next step might be for the traffic behavior on the website. This information can be attained with the help of Google analytics tool.
eCommerce industry is continuously evolving. With each day, something new comes up in the market to increase the competition among various ecommerce business owners. People do like this kind of evolution and appreciate the new things which make their life simpler and easier.
Much has been emphasized now days on personalization in Ecommerce. This is meant for tailoring the experience according to individual customers. This point has been the focus of various thought leaders across this industry.

Here are the latest eCommerce trends and practices you need to know about:-
1.) Engage customers early: – Driving the customers to the website is not that hard rather the hard part is keeping them engaged on the website. Retaining the customers for longer time on the website is the challenging part you need to think about. If the customer does not feel like staying, he will move to some other source which seems to be more relevant to him.

One technique is as soon as the customer leave the website, send an email. This will give the best chance of getting the conversion.
Think strategically how you can engage the customers and get conversion. If a person is visiting your website and is engaged, it is known that he or she is interested in making a purchase but might be “later” or “not right now”. At that point of time, providing a discount code or coupon will might change the decision of getting the product later and more likely to get the conversion.
2.) Multiple payment methods: – As many payment options are available, customers are expecting to use those many for making purchase according to their preferred method. So whether the payment method is Google wallet, PayPal or Bit coin, it is important to make customer comfortable and provide the option for the preferred payment option.

In addition to that you can also provide personalized shipping options to make the customer comfortable about the delivery of the product.
3.) Tailored shopping experience: – Using the segmentation process would allow you to focus n each and every kind of client in a unique way and reach out to them in a personalized form. Making this kind of segments according to the customer who so ever visits your website will give a unique shopping experience to each of the customer.

This will give the customer a highly personalized experience making them feel special and comfortable. With the usage of AI, this has become easier as the website learn the pattern and habit of the customer visiting the particular eCommerce website for a particular product.
4.) Implement smart search: – Smart search makes it easy for the customer to enquire about the product they are looking for. Many CMS (content management System) has this as a built in feature to make search about the product easier but most of them are insufficient.

Rather than this more emphasis should be given to natural language processing, which makes it possible to find the search query related synonym, slangs or regional language terms.
5.) Use AR, AI and VR: – Ecommerce industry is going to get maximum benefitted from these technologies. Therefore, the focus of the company should be on implementing these to provide better user experience and get maximum in the form of conversions. AI, VR and AR technologies would help in creating a personalized user experience helping in giving you the opportunity to enhance the engagement with the visitors.

Reading the above content will make you learn the new techniques and trends which have and are going to take up the market not sooner but later. Ecommerce sector is and will always be the most in demand sector. So, use this opportunity with the help from some ecommerce web development company who can better guide you how to take your ecommerce business to the level of customer conversions.