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Google Uses the Chrome User Experience to deliver the Speed Score

Page speed Insight is one of the known, and the best free tool made available by Google that provides real-time performance analysis of the web page along with the improvement ideas.

Google’s new update says that now, Page Speed Insight is using the data of Chrome User perform report to provide the detailed analysis of the page performance represented as Speed Score.

Chrome user performance report is about chrome user experiences on the web destinations currently only focused on loading performance. Out of all the metrics provided by Chrome user performance report, Page Speed Insight only reports two metrics i.e. First Contentful Paint (FCP) and DOM Content Loaded (DCL).

Page Speed Insights

First Contentful paint (FCP): This is time calculated by the browser when the first time a text or an image appears on the page. It’s the time when a user can start consuming the data.

DOMContentLoaded (DCL): This is the time calculated by the browser when a page gets completely loaded without waiting for any image or a sheet to get downloaded.

PSI (Page Speed Insight) then categories each of these metrics based on where they fall into Distribution:

  • Fast: The median value of the metric is in the fastest third of all page loads.
  • Slow: The median value of the metric is in the slowest third of all page loads.
  • Average: The median value of the metric is in the middle third of all page loads.

Now, the Speed Score is calculated based on the categories of each metrics:

  • Fast: If every metrics of the page is fast.
  • Slow: If any metrics of the page is slow
  • Average: When they fall in between

good loading speed

Google consider loading speed of the web pages as one of the ranking factors. As a website or a web Page with a good loading speed provides excellent user experience and it also directly impacts the traffic of the web page and eventually ranking on the search engine. So, monitoring and maintaining the website speed is also essential along with the others ranking parameters.

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