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9 easy ways to Increase Your Business Authority

Everyone in the digital marketing space is looking forward to become an influencer and gain authority in one way or another.

In order to gain authority amongst the prospective clients, one should speak at the conference, publish a book on your own or get into a healthy publicity to build your overall authority, influence and thus create awareness among the masses.

Henceforth, here are the nine pointers which has to be followed to maximize the authority and influence being a marketer.

Build Connections And Relationships

1.) Write About News Or Features

If you are into writing a blog, or a third party site like LinkedIn or Medium, I strongly believe writing is one of the core ways to build your influence and create a market presence.

It’s vital to write about cover news and review features from various sites, tools, or communities. Not only does it keep your name visible in the most current of topics, it also allows you to provide one of the most valuable aspects of an influencer; the cliff notes we all care about.

Tips to improve your success:

  • Try to follow the Developer and Support departments of all the platforms or services related to your business genre or expertise. This allows you to identify areas of discussion where people are looking for counseling and helps in showing the articles which would be helpful.
  • Make sure to write about a Specific News Event but also try to add a Personal Expert Commentary, benefitting your readers.

2.) Build Connections And Relationships With Real Influencers

A person is known by the Company he keeps. Hence, take time to build real friendships with influential people in your space and related area, as it will result in your influence increasing as well as helping you to earn few cool friends, which can be of great benefit.

Tips to improve your success:

  • Identify influencers you want to be friends with. Find some common interests, listen to their interviews or speeches, read their comments on posts and articles and find areas of similar interest or expertise to potentially connect around the globe.
  • Try to lend a helping hand to the new friends first and not asking anything in return.
  • Interact with influencers frequently, through commenting, replying, contacting, prior to the first meet.

3.) Make Yourself Heard

Once Sarah Smith, a SEO expert at Web Design City said to me, when I asked her what she thought about growing your influence; “The road to influence is paved in generosity.” So its good to be generous and humble in sharing the expertise with others

Best authors believe in giving their knowledge generously, with honesty and empathy for the needs and burdens of their audiences. True authorities know that you can only earn authority from generously helping others.

So the road to influence is paved with generosity. Help others in any way and in any format you can — via blog posts, questions, videos, Facebook Lives, or wherever un-answered questions are present.

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Tips to improve your success:

  • Review the sources you would like to get quoted in, identify which authors tend to include quotes in the reviews.
  • Make attempt to connect with the authors that you feel are more likely to get connected.

4.) Quote Influential People
When you reach out to experts and influencers around a topic which you are writing about, you not only improve the quality of the article and the information it contains but in your readers’ eyes you also elevates your level of authority and influence.

Even the ability to acquire a quote from an influence, says something to your influence.

Tips to Improve Your Success:

  • Once you have received a quote from a selected expert or influencer, get connected with them on any social channels.
  • When your article is published, send it to the people you have quoted in the same article, as they are likely to share it with their followers, improving your influence and visibility on a whole.

5.) Share Your Expertise

If you are really looking forward to increase your influence, then you must have at least a couple of skills and valuable experience you are worthy of being an influencer, so start showing off your skills wherever possible.

Podcasting is a great way to build targeted influence, especially if you are creating a solid, interview based show. Answering smart questions of well-known guests helps in positioning you as a relevant player in the field.
Tips to improve your success:

  • When answering the questions on Q & A sites, it is acceptable and often helpful to link back to the resources that you have created. This can definitely help in increasing your influence.

6.) Speak At A Conference

Public speaking is likely one of the most effective ways to increase your influence as a marketer, providing you dedicated time in front of other influencers and audiences, as well as providing the opportunity for interviews, media coverage and other public speaking opportunities.

Tips to improve your success:

  • Go through previous conference sessions to determine what types of topics are being provided. This will help you in your pitch to be within a realm of interest while suggesting a slightly current or different angle on the topic.
  • Identify the conference staffs and hosts, so that you can engage with them. Impress someone associated with the conference as it will aid in getting selected as a speaker.

7.) Understand The Psychology Behind Influence

One of the best things that you can do to really help in improving your influence as a marketer is to really understand how influence works.

There are a number of videos on a similar topic that you can watch on YouTube, courses to be taken, books that you can read, such as the best-selling book “Influence“, That would help you understand the aspects of influencing people.

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8.) Be Truly Remarkable

One of the most effective and effortless ways to build an influence is to do something truly remarkable or a unique achievement. For example, cure some deadly disease, build the next billion dollar unicorn company, or come up with truly new and innovative ideas, etc. People like Elon Musk or Bill Gates didn’t have to do influencer hacks to build their influence. They’re experts because they’ve accomplished amazing things.

The truth is we are all capable of finding something remarkable to do within our industry and if you want to increase your influence in marketing, then start finding that one thing that will help you to set apart.

9.) Go Forth & Influence

Call it a drive, grit, or whatever you like, if you want to be a marketing influencer then you can do it, so long as you keep driving forward and never stop trying or looking back!

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